Photography genres: Which one is for you?

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Fred Brisker
is all about photography, and he firmly believes that the world would be a better place if more people took up the hobby.

On that note, Fred Brisker shares a few genres of photography that newcomers to the hobby may warm up to or aim for in the future.


Photographing events such as weddings and birthday parties are usually paid gigs, which add appeal to the hobby of photography. It may be fun at first sight, but make no mistake about it: being a photographer at an event that lasts hours isn’t an easy job. Event photographers should always be on their toes to wait for all those perfect shots. The payoff though is quite fulfilling.

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Fine Art

Fred Brisker recommends fine art photography to those who don’t want to be bound to their jobs. Fine art photographers can choose whatever they want to shoot and have their images featured in museums and galleries. Many new photographers choose this genre because it brings out their creative juices.


Taking multiple pictures of sporting events or beautiful landscapes can be done in different ways by different people who go to stock photograph websites. It is also a good way to earn a bit money while doing what you love the most, Fred Brisker adds.
